Your First Visit
For some, the purpose of the first visit is to determine if your health concern is something chiropractic can help and for others to see where in the health spectrum you are.
We recommend you have your intake forms filled out prior to the appointment to expedite the process. These forms can be downloaded from our website. Please bring to your first visit all information related to your health (medication list, information on a current exercise program, nutritional questions, etc). The more we know about your overall health, the better we can serve you!
We will perform:
- A thorough consultation
- Comprehensive focal exam – orthopedic testing and neurologic testing
- Functional movement assessment
- Muscle testing
We Explain Everything First
After the exam, expect some help!
- Spinal adjustments (and or extremity adjustments)
- Active Release Technique
- Cold laser therapy
You can expect the first visit to take between 45 minutes to an hour!
Next, what to expect at your second visit.